The General Editors are Joel B. Green and William H. Willimon. Green is Professor of New Testament Interpretation at Fuller Theological Seminary. Willimon is Resident Bishop of the Birmingham Area of The United Methodist Church.

The General Editors are Joel B. Green and William H. Willimon. Green is Professor of New Testament Interpretation at Fuller Theological Seminary. Willimon is Resident Bishop of the Birmingham Area of The United Methodist Church.
Yes!! Finally! I've been waiting a long time for this! I've been enjoying his commentary at Biblos.com (which has it in their commentary section) but couldn't find a print form of it at my local Cokesbury.
Sounds like a good birthday present for you Pizzaman! Thanks for the idea. Love you.
Do you think the notes will be conservative or liberal? I know this divide is in the UMC and I hope does not make it into this study Bible. I personally wish that it were not in the NRSV but in a better translation such as the ESV or the NASB.
I have wondered the same thing Roy. A lot of the editors are from more conservative backgrounds, so that is encouraging. The intended audience is the wider Wesleyan community, not just the UMC.
Reading the notes in James it focus on things that liberals do, but that is also kind of the the orientation of James in the first place (warning the rich, helping the poor, etc).
I maybe wrong, but the UMC in the South tend to be more conservative. I was part of the Wesly foundation in college some many years ago. The ones I personally knew in Alabama seemed conservative.
But I really don't know for sure.
But at anycase, I would love to get my hands on this study Bible. I will add it to my collection.
I am fortunate in that I live in Lake Junaluska, NC with several Methodist resources nearby. I am sure they will have this in their bookstore so hopefully I can browse the notes before purchasing it or borrow a local copy.
Blessings in Christ
HA! One of my professors helped write the notes (I believe on either Malachi or Habakkuk). GO Dr. Tom! (Holsinger-Friesen).
Hey Jcoolio, thanks for stopping by! That's cool on Dr Tom, where do you go to school?
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