Speaking of Freud...here's an interesting quote of his:
"If the believer finally sees himself obliged to speak of God's 'inscrutable decrees', he is admitting that all that is left to him as a last possible consolation and source of pleasure in his suffering is an unconditional submission. And if he is prepared for that, he could probably have spared himself the detour he has made."
That's the opening quote from the book I'm currently reading: Hoodwinked and Happy: Evangelicals, Calvinism, and why no one's answering the problem of evil.
I appeal to every impartial mind...whether the mercy of God would not be far less gloriously displayed, in saving a few by his irresistible power, and leaving all the rest without help, without hope, to perish everlastingly, than in offering salvation to every creature, actually saving all that consent thereto, and doing for the rest all that infinite wisdom, almighty power, and boundless love can do, without forcing them to be saved, which would be to destroy the very nature that he had given them. Predestination Calmly Considered
Freed to believe by God's grace Atonement for all Conditional election Total depravity Security in Christ
Oh snap! I'd forgotten about this!
*prepares to order his*
That's quite the Freudian slip there, Jnorm ;)
Speaking of Freud...here's an interesting quote of his:
"If the believer finally sees himself obliged to speak of God's 'inscrutable decrees', he is admitting that all that is left to him as a last possible consolation and source of pleasure in his suffering is an unconditional submission. And if he is prepared for that, he could probably have spared himself the detour he has made."
That's the opening quote from the book I'm currently reading: Hoodwinked and Happy: Evangelicals, Calvinism, and why no one's answering the problem of evil.
Not really on topic, other than Freud. :)
my bad. I meant cokesbury
I just picked it up yesturday!
No fair! Mine's still on the way.
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