HT: Nick Norelli
Your Christian Traditions Selector Results
(100%) 1: Methodist/Wesleyan/Nazarene |
(97%) 2: Pentecostal/Charismatic/ Assemblies of God |
(91%) 3: Anabaptist (Mennonite/Quaker etc.) |
(77%) 4: Church of Christ/Campbellite |
(76%) 5: Baptist (non-Calvinistic)/Plymouth Brethren/Fundamentalist |
(67%) 6: Congregational/United Church of Christ |
(64%) 7: Baptist (Reformed/Particular/ Calvinistic) |
(56%) 8: Anglican/Episcopal/Church of England |
(53%) 9: Presbyterian/Reformed |
(53%) 10: Seventh-Day Adventist |
(50%) 11: Eastern Orthodox |
(42%) 12: Lutheran |
(36%) 13: Roman Catholic |
My top result ended up being
(100%) 1: Baptist (Reformed/Particular/Calvinistic)
That's totally off >:/
The quiz needed a "none of the above" option. I found that around a quarter of the questions gave no correct option and I had to answer "not sure" even though I WAS sure of what I believed regarding the paricular question.
I think my top two results were about as close to correct as would be possible considering the limitations of a quiz like this.
100% Pentecostal
96% Anabaptist
Though I have no idea how I could have been 34% Baptist (reformed/Particular/Calvinistic. Anything related to "Calvinistic" should be a zero in my case.
I got 100% for Eastern Orthodox. Can't say I'm that surprised since what keeps me out of the Eastern Orthodox wasn't in the quiz. Also, the lowest percentile I had was 71%, so clearly I'm more ecclectic than I thought.
Hey Boss,
My top result was also (100%)Baptist(Reformed/Particular/Calvinistic) With my second result (96%) Methodist/Wesleyan/Nazarene. Now just how does that work? :)
Onesimus, I had a few questions like that too, where none of the answers was quite what I preferred. Predestination and Baptism were like that. I just went with what ever was closest.
JC_Freak, that's interesting that you received high percents on everything, you must be pretty easy going. :)
Bob, it seems the quiz is pegging a number of Arminians as Reformed/Calvinist. You, Bossman, and also Peter Churcher. It probably goes back to what Onesimus pointed out, some of the questions don't quite line up.
50% Orthodox? We're gonna have to work on that...
JK of course :)
Also interesting discrepency regarding the belief of when the Church began. I know Roman Catholic and Protestant belief is that the Church started at Pentecost, but the Eastern Orthodox actually believe the Church has always existed: Christ is the head of the Church, and Christ is eternal; Pentecost was the revelation of the Church Militant, but not the Church Triumphant. I had to put "Not Sure" for that choice, since that option wasn't open.
Also I got 100% Lutheran. Wowzers, I'm in the wrong Church!
Yeah Tony, I come in low on the liturgical scale, it probably jacked my EO score. :)
I can see how there is an eternal aspect of the Church. Interesting thought.
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